Friday, March 14, 2014

The ABC's of Eating Orange

Today I want to talk about the importance of eating orange! Orange fruits and vegetables contain three things that are very beneficial for our bodies, I like to call them the ABC's:

A- Vitamin A is very important for the immune system, it can help to neutralize damage caused by free radicals in the body, and help with night vision! 

B- Beta Carotine (stemmed from Vitamin A) is what gives those clementines that bright, pretty color. Have you ever heard that eating lots of carrots can help your eyesight? Beta Carotine is why! Not only does it help with that, but it can also help protect the skin from sun damage AND delay cognitive aging! (Seriously, ladies, did you just hear that?!)

C- Vitamin C is also very important for the immune system. It also helps protect against heart disease, which we all know is the #1 killer of Americans. 

Now go eat your orange everyone! 

Side-note: If you're wondering why I shaped those clementines in that picture into a S-shape, it's because I am a SU fan. Let's go Syracuse Orange! Happy ACC Tournament everyone :)

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