Hello all!
A Liebster Award is an award passed on among bloggers in an effort to get to discover new blogs and get to know one another. I'm so excited and grateful that this torch has been passed to me! This is how it works, I have been asked to answer a few questions about myself, and then I get to do the same to other bloggers! Here goes...
- If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Probably rice, it's just in my Asian genes! (And I pretty much ate it everyday growing up because of my Mom and Grandma).
- What/where is your “happy” place? My yoga mat. No matter what has happened during the day, when I step on that mat it all flutters away and I feel at ease and happy.
- What is your favorite season and why? I honestly love all seasons, each one has so much different beauty to appreciate! I will say that I have a strong bond with Autumn though, I think the smell of the leaves reminds me of my High School cross-country days, and that is something that always brings a smile to my face.
- What is one feature that you love about yourself? My legs! Especially my calves! I used to be so self-conscious about them because I always thought they looked so muscular from all the running and weight-lifting I did, but I have come to appreciate and love everything about myself and can now say I adore them.
- If you could bring only one thing on a deserted island, what would it be? Oh this is a toughie, and oddly something I think about often. I think I would bring a blanket, I feel like there's a lot of uses for that!
- Where is your favorite place you’ve ever traveled? Columbus, OH. Would move there in a heart beat if I could.
- What is your favorite song that gets you pumped up? Bombs Away by B.o.B featuring Morgan Freeman. Such a great song to run to (and it feels like Morgan Freeman is narrating my run!)
- What is one current goal you have for yourself? I've been working on my patience. Driving, waiting in line, dealing with difficult customers at work...I've made some improvements!
- What is your favorite movie? The Book of Eli or Pulp Fiction, it's a toss up!
- Who or what inspires you? Where do I begin with this one? I feel like I am constantly inspired by something. But to name a few: my parents, my better half, the sun, the moon, trees, my best friend, the open roads, Rachel Brathen.....I could go on, and on, and on, and on....
Now I nominate Olga Marie (http://www.olgaswholelife.com) and Jenn (http://runnderlust.com) here are my questions for you:
1. What is your favorite color?
2. If you could be any animal (other than human) what would you be?
3. What do you do to relieve stress?
4. What is one fear you have conquered?
5. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
6. Cats or dogs?
7. What is your favorite quote?
8. What is your favorite book?
9. What is your favorite holiday?
10. What goals are you currently working on?
Have fun, ladies! And as always, namaste!