Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Benefits of Yoga Practice

"Yoga is not a religion.  It is a science, science of well-being, science of youthfulness, science of integrating body, mind, and soul." -Amit Ray

Yoga: an age-old practice with a great deal of misconceptions.  Raise your hand if you think yoga is only for the flexible, or that the sole purpose of practicing yoga is to become flexible...did anyone's hands go up?  I will admit, prior to studying yoga I too had a clouded misconception about the practice.  As a runner, I always thought yoga was just out of the question.  I couldn't do yoga! I wasn't flexible enough! Besides, what do I need to be flexible for anyways?? (I am cringing as I write this because I now realize how silly I sounded.)  There are SO many benefits to yoga practice...I mean SO SO many...way more than just being "bendy", and today I look forward to sharing my story and insights with you and I hope it may break down some preconceived notions...

   I found yoga a while back in my college years, but didn't commit to a daily routine of it until this past year.  I, like most people, began it with the intention of gaining some flexibility.  I had begun to notice how tight my hips were when I would go for a run, sometimes so tight that I had to stop and walk (and if you know me at all I rarely stop to walk...too much pride I suppose, he-he).  So I started incorporating some Sun Salutations at the end of every run, focusing a lot on the lunges (great way to open up tight hips).  After only doing it consistently for a week, I started to see and feel a change.  My hips barely hurt at all when I ran, and I noticed that my lower back felt a lot better too!  I was pleasantly surprised with my results, so I decided to take it one step further.  I found a studio I really liked and started taking formal classes, trying to soak up as much knowledge as I could from the instructors.  I began practicing at the studio and at home, delving deeper into poses and pushing myself further than I thought I ever could have.  My flexibility skyrocketed, I could touch my head to my knees....I had never been able to do that before!

   It was very exciting, but what was more exciting was what else I had gained: inner peace and self-love.  I noticed that I had became more patient, slow to anger, and accepting of others.  No longer did that anger-filled customer at work bother me, I realized their actions toward me are not because of me, but a reflection of the battle they are facing.  I became more compassionate.  I became gentler.  I loved myself and my body; which in turn led to eating healthier and nourishing my body.  When you love your body, you want to only fuel it with the best!  I cut out red meat, milk, and beer.  I increased my intake of fruits, vegetables, and water.  I began getting a minimal of 8 hours of sleep a night.  And you know what, I have never felt more ALIVE!

   It's just my opinion, but I think that is the point of yoga.  It's not about being able to do a handstand, a split, or any other pretzel-like pose...it's about loving and accepting yourself and others.  It's about being the absolute best person you can be.  It's about finding inner happiness and reflecting it out like rays of the sun.  And in time, that split will come, it's just one of the perks :).

Namaste: the divine in me honors the divine in you.